Welcome to our website

Welcome to our site dedicated to financial tips for seniors! With the aging of the American population, this is an important subject that deserves attention. So please join us as we explore various options such as long-term care insurance, reverse mortgages, and more! We'll also touch on topics like home care, modifications for aging in place, and how seniors can find transportation options.


Long Term Care

When we talk about long-term care, we're talking about care that an individual will need that lasts for a period of six months or more. As you can imagine, this can be very expensive, which is why it's important to plan appropriately. Longterm care insurance is one of the more effective ways to manage these costs.


Reverse Mortgage

These notorious loans are designed to allow seniors to extract equity from the home. In other words, to help those that are asset rich and cash poor. Though reverse mortgages are right for some, we recommend using caution when looking at these.

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